Retro Inspired Quilt

With 2 quilts under my belt, it was finally time to make one for me. I had a quilt when I was a kid made with vintage fabric and that was totally my inspiration for this one.

This was a really fun fabric store trip. It took a little more digging to find the perfect 60’s-70’s inspired patterns but I think they all ended up working really well. I didn’t want to do one as large as the one I had made for Shane but I needed something larger than a baby blanket…I ended up with a nice over the leg throw.

Since the last two quilts were both square patchwork I tried the triangle/hourglass pattern. I was not disappointed. The only fault I really had was not cutting the backing correctly but I just added some left over patchwork squares from the front.

Check below for a bonus pic of some little pillows I made for my niece next to the quilt.